01434 381372
Crocus banaticus

The famous “Iris flowered Crocus” with lilac-purple flowers from October till December. A woodland species which prefers a damp garden spot. Continue Reading
The famous “Iris flowered Crocus” with lilac-purple flowers from October till December. A woodland species which prefers a damp garden spot. Continue Reading
Primula ‘Tantallon’. A wonderful and showy, but fairly easy hybrid, Primula whitei x Primula edgeworthii which is rarely offered for sale. The rich lavender-blue flowers appearing above the heavily silvered foliage in the early spring, sometimes now soon after the new year. Forms good clumps after several years which split well to spread them around.… Continue Reading
Huge salmon-pink flowers with a darker stripe to each petal, the narrow petals appearing like the spokes of a cartwheel. A long flowering period from May to August should guarantee this plant a position in all suitable soils. 15cm tall x 45cm across eventually. Cut back hard after flowering or in early spring to encourage… Continue Reading
A tiny non-climbing sub-shrub found in New Zealand as recently as the 1970’s forming small mounds, eventually 30cm across after many years, of dark green ferny leaves. The 2cm diameter cup-shaped creamy-white flowers are produced in abundance once the plant is established. A plant for a rich scree or Alpine House. Continue Reading
A reliable form of our native “Wood Anemone” rich purple blue flowers in spring. 10cm. Good spreading habit! Continue Reading
We have a large selection of rare and unusual hardy plants from around the world. View our catalogue as a downloadable PDF or order the latest print edition. Continue Reading
Our plant collections are always good value and include a selection from the best plants available at the time of ordering. Continue Reading
Hartside Nursery Garden, near Alston, Cumbria CA9 3BL
Tel or Fax: 01434 381372